Thursday, January 2, 2014

Keeping It Simple

The world is a complex place.  We ALL know that.

As the Christmas season ended and the new year approached I was faced with the challenge of setting goals for the upcoming 2014 year.  We are presented with a unique opportunity at the end of each year and the beginning of the next to set goals. I love a challenge, to an extent, but I have also been doing a lot of thinking and praying about myself and my family.  We are by no means perfect and have lots of things to work on, but these "things" needed to be realistic, doable, and simple.  I sometimes get caught up in the planning and the eagerness to start things new and fresh and my mind races ahead with the possibilities.

So as much as I wanted to run 1000 miles and lose 100 pounds and never eat chocolate again, and ... well you get the picture.  I was honest with myself, and I didn't want to give up chocolate, and in order to run 1000 miles a day I'd have to run 2.7 miles EVERY day for a year.  Anyone who knows me, knows that is just laughable.

Matthew 7:7 Says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened."

So, I began to prayerfully consider things that needed to be changed in my life, and how this needs to be done.

I liked the notion of having a distance goal to achieve, that idea came from my youngest brother.  But I knew that 1000 miles is NOT realistic (not for me anyway), so what is realistic, for me it was 700 miles, that is 1.9 miles a day, but if I missed a day or whatever I could easily make some of that up on other days.

As for those 100 pounds to lose? Well, I thought 70 that would be about 6 pounds per month, totally doable and no I am not going to give up chocolate, I am giving up soda, but I have done that before with great success.  You are probably wondering about my eating, in the past I have created these elaborate plans, but this year I am going to keep it simple.  I am going to make smarter choices.  Yep it is as simple as that, for now.  I know a lot about eating right and proper diet, some of it is simple, and some of it, is not that simple, so one step at a time. I also think that too much change all at once isn't the best road to success.

Yesterday was January 1 and today January 2nd.  The Lord wants us to ask him, and seek him. So I asked him, when can I exercise? Where? I walked 1 mile yesterday and 1.5 today.  BUT instead of feeling like a failure, I feel accomplished. I know, it sounds bizarre but, I got up, and I got moving.  How? And what did I do? I am a school teacher, on Christmas break, with two small children at home, and it's COLD outside, these are excuses that in the past I would have spouted off.  But keeping things simple, I knew that God provided me the time and the resources just in a unique fashion.  I used an app on my phone, plugged in my headphones, turned on Pandora radio, and walked around in my house pants, barefoot.  I walked around the living room, in the kitchen, I jogged in place, I walked in place, it was NOT a leisurely stroll.  I did this after I put my two children to bed.  I know this doesn't fit in to the most ideal way to walk, the most ideal place, or the most ideal time, but it is simple enough for me to do, and if I can do it, anyone can.  I encourage each of you, who like me, might be struggling with their weight, and finding a time to "workout" to keep it simple.  Find what works for you!

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